INT 680 Syllabus
How to Start
Term Paper

The Term Paper is for graduate students only.  This assignment is completed in one step, no preliminary papers or lit reviews.

Please choose one of the following topics:

  • Wireless Communications: Issues and Future
  • Advances in High Speed Data Links

Grading and due dates for the term paper is as follows:

  • Term Paper (100 pts.) -- Submit to the project/term paper assignment on according to the due dates

Term Paper
Your final term paper should be from 12 to 18 double-spaced pages not including incidental pages.  Incidental pages include the cover page, appendices and reference pages. You should follow the precepts presented in your idea paper.  The final report should include the following sections:

  • Cover page – Title, school, date, name, e-mail and phone number
  • Introduction – Smooth introduction to topic and the approach you will use to present your material (sort of like describing the things to come, order and content).
  • Body – Split this into sections and subsections as necessary, please don't name this 'body'
  • Conclusion – Summarize your major points, nothing new in this section, just summarize things you have already discussed.
  • Appendices if needed
  • References – include a list of references in APA bibliography format.
    For APA style citations and references, please note that every citation must have a reference in the reference list and every reference in the reference list must be cited at least once (otherwise you don't need it) within your final term paper.

Formatting for each of the three assignments should meet the following requirements.   Use 1" margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, for all text.  Use double-spacing for body text and between references.  Bold for headings, italic for subheadings, five-space indent for paragraphs but not for headings or subheadings.  Page number one is the first page of the body and page numbers continue to the end of the document (includes appendices and reference pages).  That means the cover page and any tables of content are not numbered.  Put the page number in the header on the top right.  The first page of your body should have the papers title one inch down from the top margin (two inches from the top of the page), and it should be centered.

Graduate students are expected to perform at a level higher than that of undergraduates. Your project must be soundly researched.  You should show a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Your writing is expected to be grammatically trouble-free and it must be original.  You must cite any ideas that are not your own, either paraphrased or directly quoted. The instructor will easily find copied material, for example, by "googling it". Do not plagiarize any other work.  Properly cite the work.  If you paraphrase, you are not just changing adjectives or word order.  Go ahead and quote directly.

Due date varies by semester so please visit your course section on blackboard for more information. These are specific to each class.

[INT 680 Syllabus] [How to Start] [Schedule]

Used with permission of the Author; Copyright (C) Kevin A. Shaffer 1998 - 2016, all rights reserved.